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( 법률/임금/고용/출입국/각종생활상담 )

월~금 오전 9:00 ~ 오후 6:00 바로가기
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  • 참여마당
  • 교류공간


글자크기 글자 크게 글자 작게

[홍보] 부산 외국인 가이드 동아리 Viewsan 외국인 쿠킹클래스 참가자 모집

교류공간 게시판 읽기
작성일 2021-10-22 조회 637



<We are recruiting foreigners who want to join Viewsan’s k-food cooking class>
Hello, we are viewsan, the largest foreign tour guiding club run by university students in Busan. Viewsan will team up with foreigners for a cooking class to make k-food and we are currently recruiting foreigners to join us in our cooking class!!

• Date : Sunday, November 14th or Sunday, November 21th
• Looking for : Foreigners who can speak English
• How many people? : 15 people (first in first served)
• Class time : 12:00PM / 2:00PM / 4:00PM / 6:00 PM
(Class time will take for approximately 2 hours)
• Cooking menu : Kimchi pancake/Pajeon pancake + Dalgona candy from squid game
• location : Haeundae, Centum Dong-ro 200
• Participation fee : Average ₩15,000
• How to apply : Fill out the Google Form below

Detailed information about cooking class is uploaded on Viewsan’s Instagram and Blog! Please check out our tour plans before applying.

[행사 안내] Korea-Russia ICT Investment Forum 2021 (11월23일 개최)
부산 일본 마을 세미나 개최 釜山日本村セミナー