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( 법률/임금/고용/출입국/각종생활상담 )

월~금 오전 9:00 ~ 오후 6:00 바로가기
  • 홈
  • 참여마당
  • 교류공간


글자크기 글자 크게 글자 작게

Special Foreigner Discount Event at Museum DAH: Media Art Museum, Haeundae, Busan.

교류공간 게시판 읽기
작성일 2021-09-10 조회 492
PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR EVENT IMAGES ATTACHED We are Museum DAH: situated at Haeundae, Busan. Museum DAH: is currently holding up an exhibition named with the theme of ‘protecting the environment’ and ‘animal extinction’. We are sponsored by many environmental groups such as Busan Environmental Corporation, WWF and Daejayeon to deliver the importance of environmental movement. Currently we are holding a special discount event for foreigners living in Korea. Visit Museum DAH: and see to make your stay in Korea more memorable. Date: 23rd of August 2021 ~ 30th of September 2021 Show us your Identification Card or Passport at the reception and get up to 33% discount! Don't miss out on your chance to experience the nature within the city! *Discounts apply only to those who show their IDs at the reception. *Discounts apply only for walk-in ticker purchases and can not be duplicated with other discount promotions. *해당 할인 이벤트는 외국인에 한해 적용됩니다. Museum DAH: location: Busan, Haeundae, Centum seo-ro 20, Museum Dah. TEL. 051-731-3302 Opening Hours Weekdays: OPEN 10:00 - CLOSE 19:00 Weekends: OPEN 10:00 - CLOSE 20:00 *We take visitors an hour before closing time
2021 상상평화 캠프(2021 Imagine Peace Camp)
[홍보] 캐나다 AI기업과의 B2B 매치메이킹- 국내업체 모집홍보