[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 지하철 탈 때 마스크 꼭 착용하기, Make sure to wear a face mask on the subway
20/05/28 |
658 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ JAP/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 코로나19 사각지대 외국인 홍보자료, COVID-19 publicity material for foreigners in blind spot
20/05/26 |
490 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ JAP/ VTN/ THA/ RUS/ MN/ IDN] 재입국허가 면제 중단 안내, Notice on Suspension of Re-Entry Permit Exemption and Submission of Diagnosis for Re-Entry of Long-term Stayers
20/05/26 |
513 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ THA/ PH/ RUS/ UZB/ MN...] 전국민 긴급재난지원금, Disaster relief fund
20/05/25 |
446 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ JAP/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 버스 이용 시 마스크 착용 의무화, Please make sure to put on a face mask when you get on the bus!
20/05/25 |
721 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 모든 가족 마스크 대리구매 가능, Proxy purchase of public masks for family
20/05/20 |
580 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ JAP/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 생활 속 거리 두기 지침 : 대중교통, Guidelines on distancing in the daily life : Public transport
20/05/19 |
612 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 긴급재난지원금 스미싱 문자 안내, Please be careful not to be hacked or scammed by smishing!
20/05/15 |
658 |
[KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ THA/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 이태원 클럽 방문 외국인 코로나19 검사 안내, Itaewon area nightclub visitors are strongly recommended to reach your nearest public healthcare center
20/05/14 |
435 |
[KOR/ ENG/ JAP/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 고용허가제 업무 조치방안 시행, Implementation of process plan for employment permit system
20/05/14 |
704 |