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Total : 291

게시물 검색 폼 검색
COVID-19 게시판 목록
번호 제목 첨부 작성일 조회
191 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 부산시 임시선별검사소 확대 운영, The extended operation of temporary testing centers in Busan 21/07/27 321
190 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 유흥시설·노래연습장 집합금지 연장, Extension of gathering ban on entertainment establishments∙karaokes 21/07/26 431
189 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 부산 사회적 거리두기 3단계 격상, Elevation of social distancing to level 3 in Busan 21/07/20 289
188 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 부산지역 사적모임 4명까지 허용, The private gatherings of up to 4 people are allowed in Busan 21/07/19 355
187 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 50~54세 코로나19 예방접종 예약, Booking COVID-19 vaccination for people aged 50-54 21/07/19 321
186 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 부산시 임시선별검사소 확대 운영, The expanded operation of temporary screening clinics for COIVD-19 in Busan 21/07/19 291
185 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 부산 지역 유흥시설, 노래연습장 집합금지, Gathering ban on entertainment establishments and karaokes in Busan area 21/07/16 233
184 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 55~59세 코로나19 예방접종 예약 재개, Resumption of booking COVID-19 vaccination for people aged 55-59 21/07/16 233
183 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 임시선별검사소 연장운영, The extended operating hours of temporary COVID-19 testing centers 21/07/16 244
182 [KOR/ ENG/ CHN/ VTN/ RUS/ IND] 백신 오접종 방지 인식표, The labels to prevent wrong vaccination 21/07/14 275