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2024 BeFM Busan English Broadcasting Listening Rate Survey

공지사항 게시판 읽기
작성일 2024-09-27 조회 368

This survey is the "2024 BeFM Busan English Broadcasting Listening Rate Survey" and is conducted to identify listening behaviors, program satisfaction, and improvements for foreigners living in Busan (student students, marriage immigrants, workers, etc.). We would like to use it as basic data for improving the service of BeFM Busan English Broadcasting in the future, so please participate even if you are busy.

※ Among those who participated in the survey, 100 people will be selected and given Starbucks americano Gifticon.

[세계평화 중심도시 부산] 제5회 부산유엔위크('24.10.24~11.11)
[모집] 『한국전쟁영웅들의 이야기 시즌 3』 아웃도어 미션 프로그램 참가 사전 예약 오픈