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★News of 2030 Busan World EXPO_‘EXPO Friends‘ July★

Latest at BFIC 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-09-26 Readnum 1195

July was the month of the Official Launch of EXPO Friends!


From the existing EXPO Friends, which has been active since April, to the newly selected EXPO Friends in July,

109 people from 38 countries officially carried out promotional activities to attract the 2030 Busan World EXPO.


Let's go and see the July activities full of interesting and fun news, from the Launching ceremony bursting with the EXPO cheering fever 

to the UNESCO Tangible Cultural Heritage Mongolia's Nadam Festival held in Busan!





 ▶ 2022 Busan Mongolia Nadam Festival (Naver Blog @애리덴)




Jagalchi Market (Instagram @rinkder_anh)




▶ Why is the Busan best city for 2030 World Expo (Twitter @phureuni)




▶ EXPO Friends Launching Ceremony (Facebook @우티완)




▶ Bosu Book Street (Instagram @natalishka_)




▶ Theme About 2030 World EXPO (Instagram @pakitoria)



In August, more interesting contents will be uploaded as Arirang Broadcasting showed Busan's charm in a documentary shoot with the theme of promoting EXPO Friends. 

Please support "Busan", "2030 Busan World Expo" and "Expo Friends" with your interest and affection!


If you want to know more about EXPO Friends' activities,

Search for the hashtags below on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok.


#2030 Busan World Expo, #Busan, #ExpoFriends #Busan Foundation

#2030BusanWorldExpo #Busan #ExpoFriends #BFIC


You can watch the 2030 Busan World Expo cheering video of Expo Friends on the official YouTube (BFIC Busan International Exchange Foundation) 

and Instagram (bfic_official) of the Busan International Exchange Foundation! Expo Friends, fighting!

The Grand Prize of the UCC Contest to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Korea-China Diplomatic Relations
EXPO Friends participate in Busan International Film Festival