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Hold 2030 Busan World EXPO 「EXPO FRIENDS」 Launching Ceremony

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Date 2022-09-07 Readnum 1261




On July 27, the launching ceremony of the 2030 Busan World EXPO Foreign Public Relations Team 'EXPO Friends' was held at Yeongdo P.ARK in Busan. 

EXPO Friends, which consists of 109 foreigners from 38 countries living in Busan, gathered to promote and support the 2030 Busan World EXPO.






EXPO Friends was selected in March this year and has produced contents related to the 2030 Busan World EXPO since April

and has been promoting them through personal SNS in Korean and native languages. 

Through this launching ceremony, we were able to officially launch EXPO Friends and create a meaningful network with each other.



The launching ceremony was conducted in the following order:


Watching 2030 Busan World EXPO Promotion Video

Opening remarks and introduction to EXPO Friends


Talk show "EXPO and Future Busan"

Video clips of EXPO Friends’ activities

a press briefing on the launch of EXPO Friends

Commendation of a letter of appointment and commemorative photography

30 Language Picket Performance and Commemorative Photography





At the talk show, EXPO Friends said they were Busan people, not foreigners, and they desperately hoped that the World EXPO would be held in "Our Country Busan" and vowed to continue to work hard in promoting the bid.



 As an additional mission, we filmed a cheering video for each team's Busan World EXPO against the backdrop of Port of Busan. You can watch the cheering video on EXPO Friends' Instagram and YouTube!



Expo Friends will continue to take the lead in producing and promoting content to attract 2030 Busan World EXPO! EXPO Friends, who think of themselves as Busan people and love Busan, will continue to do many activities to attract World EXPO, so please continue to pay attention and support!


BFIC will also continue to make efforts to attract 2030 Busan World EXPO and to promote Busan, a global city with foreigners, so please watch it with affection

Successfully Finishing 「2022 Busan Global Friends in Cambodia」
★News of 2030 Busan World EXPO_‘EXPO Friends‘ June★