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Successfully holding 2022 UN week UNIV. Supporters (UNs) Launching Ceremony

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Date 2022-08-31 Readnum 1216



On Friday, July 22, The 2022 UN week UNIV. Supporters (UNs) launching ceremony was successfully held. UNs were selected to promote Busan National Diplomacy, Busan United Nations Week, and the 2030 Busan World EXPO, consisting of 50 university students and 50 foreign students from 22 countries.




The launching ceremony was divided into morning and afternoon courses, and in the morning, ice breaking and team missions were carried out for each team, and in the afternoon, the launching ceremony was held. Morning team mission was held under the theme of “Designing National Diplomacy!” and each of the 10 UNs teams had time to draw up their own national diplomacy plans. Through this, we were able to hear the wonderful idea from UNs’ to promote national diplomacy.




After that, the Ambassador for Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave a lecture on the theme of "Global Central Countries and Public Diplomacy: Busan National Diplomacy Supporters UNs." Finally, we successfully wrapped up the launching ceremony by cheering for the #ENDViolence Challenge jointly promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNICEF.




Starting with this launching ceremony, for about five months, UNs will be actively promoting Busan's national diplomacy, which is a joint project between the Busan Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and will successfully attract Busan U.N. Week and the 2030 Busan World EXPO.



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