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BFIC attends work consultation on ODA cooperation plan presided by Cambodia Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

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Date 2022-08-18 Readnum 1491



 On June 29 (Wed), BFIC visited Cambodia Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts to discuss future ODA cooperation plans between Busan City and Cambodia. A total of 11 people participated in the meeting, including Cambodia Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Minister Poeumg Sackona, 6 vice ministers, 2 Cambodian Film Commission officials, and 3 BFIC oficials.


 The main issues of the meeting are the proposal for collaboration in the ODA project future cooperation plan, etc. It was based on the demand for the video and film ODA project discussed in advance with Cambodia Film Commission, which participated in MCST-KOFICE Cultural Partnership Initiative Training Program, Cambodia (2021).




 Just as Busan has been reborn as a global film hub through hosting the Busan International Film Festival(BIFF), The Minister of Culture and Fine Arts proposed to the Foundation to share Busan's experience and cooperate so that the Cambodian International Film Festival(CIFF) can become a global festival as well. In particular, for this purpose, he pointed out that strengthening and fostering the capabilities of young filmmakers is an important issue, and showed his willingness to jointly discover the Government's proposal projectStrengthening the capacity of video and film.


 As a ODA platform, our Foundation proposed cooperation to discover new businesses with Busan's excellent infrastructure and collaboration agencies. And we will try to share the experience and capabilities of Busan, a movie-strength city, to Cambodia in the future. Please look forward to the ODA cooperation and projects in the video/film sectors of Cambodia and Busan that will continue in the future.

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