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★News of 2030 Busan World EXPO_‘EXPO Friends‘ May★

Latest at BFIC 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-07-27 Readnum 1782
Thanks to the soaring popularity of ’Expo Friends‘, we also spent busy days participating in filming videos for the ’170th Bureau International des Exposition(BIE) Second Competition PT’ and attending ’2030 Busan World Expo Bidding Support Private Committee’. Even though we are busy, we will let you know various news of Busan with more meaningful and new contents for May activities! EXPO Friends' promotions for May, which are more fun than last month, will start right now!

▶ Busan Dong-gu Cartoon Experience Center – Facebook

▶ 2030 World EXPO promotional video – Instagram (alloybusan)

▶ Introduction of Busan – Instagram (ava_v)

▶ Introducing Beomeosa Temple Stay – Instagram (subin.in.Korea)

▶ Introduction to 2030 Busan World Expo – Instagram (_nuruhidayat)

▶ The Bay 101 – YouTube (EduLife Uz)

▶ Introduction to Jellyfish Road – Instagram (camu_caro)

Did you enjoy EXPO Friends' activities in May?
Thanks to EXPO Friends, we learned what the World EXPO is and why it should be held in Busan!
In 2030, when the World EXPO is held in Busan, follow the footsteps of EXPO Friends and enjoy Busan!
You will have a fruitful and enjoyable trip and unforgettable memories!
In June, Expo Friends will also share information and great memories.
Please watch over "Busan", "2030 Busan World EXPO" and "Expo Friends" with constant interest and affection!

If you're curious about EXPO Friends' activities?
Search the hashtags below on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and more!

#2030 Busan World Expo, #Busan, #ExpoFriends #Busan Foundation
#2030BusanWorldExpo #Busan #ExpoFriends #BFIC

You can also check the "Expo Friends" activities in real time on the Busan Foundation of International Cooperation's Instagram (bfic_official). Please show a lot of interest and support!

Expo Friends will come back with great activities in July!

💪 Cheer Up, EXPO Friends! 💪

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