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★News of 2030 Busan World EXPO_‘EXPO Friends’‘s April★

Latest at BFIC 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-07-25 Readnum 1717

Busan's pride "EXPO Friends" worked hard to tell us what the World EXPO is and what are the charming point of Busan is during April. We'll show you the April promotions of EXPO Friends right now!

[Introducing 2030 Busan World EXPO - Indonesia]

[Introducing various and delicious food in Busan - Vietnam]

[Introducing Busan's beautiful tourist attractions - America]

[What is World EXPO - Egypt]

[2030 Busan World EXPO Cheering Video - Malaysia]

[Youngdo Travel Course(Medium Newspaper) - Mongolia]

 Can you feel the sincerity of EXPO Friends how eager they are to host the 2030 World EXPO in Busan? Even now, EXPO Friends are conducting various activities to promote Busan and hold the 2030 World EXPO! We hope that the EXPO Friends, who love Busan and even say that it’s their second home, will spread their sincerity around the world. And more people will be able to fall in love with Busan!

 If you're curious about our activities,you can search for the hashtags below on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok!

#2030 Busan World Expo, #Busan, #ExpoFriends #Busan Foundaion of International Cooperation #2030BusanWorldExpo #Busan #ExpoFriends #BFIC

 You can check the "EXPO Friends" activities in real time on the Busan Foundation of International Cooperation's Instagram (bfic_official) story, so please give a lot of interest and support for EXPO Friends and 2030 Busan World EXPO!

EXPO Friends will come back with even greater activities in May!
🔥Cheer Up EXPO Friends🔥

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