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The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Korea visit BFIC

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Date 2022-07-19 Readnum 1533

 On May 12, Bakyt Dyussenbayev(Бақыт Дүйсенбаев), The Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Korea, visited the Busan Foundation of International Cooperation.(BFIC)
He visited this time and discussed the following 4 areas with Busan Government. Along with the opening of the Consulate General of Kazakhstan from Busan(2022.5.12).

Expansion of exchanges in the field of culture and tourism
Signing a Sister city and maintaining friendly relationship between Busan and Kazakhstan
ODA related cooperation in connection with Kazakhstan
Supporting 2030 Busan World Expo Host


 In addition, he asked for continuous interest and cooperation so that Kazakh workers and international students living in Busan can participate in the World Citizens' Festival held by the Foundation in upcoming October.
In the future as well, BFIC will continue to make efforts to achieve practical exchanges and cooperation with Kazakhstan.

Busan Global Center’s Korean Class have been changed to face-to-face class
Attending Opening Ceremony of Consulate General of Kazakhstan, Busan