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Busan Foundation of International Cooperation (BFIC)-The Korea-Africa Foundation (K-AF) Business Cooperation Agreement Ceremony Held(4.13)

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Date 2022-07-14 Readnum 1682

 At 11 o'clock on Thursday, April 13, our Foundation held a business cooperation agreement ceremony to promote exchange and cooperation projects by expanding mutual cooperation with Korea-Africa Foundation and to establish a continuous cooperation system in various sectors.




 Starting with the introduction of participants, the signing ceremony was followed by the viewing of  an introduction video of the foundation, reporting the progress of the promotion and tasks, warm greetings from the heads of both Foundations, signing the agreement, and taking commemorative photos. The main contents of cooperation include The exchange of related information and joint projects to promote exchange and cooperation with Africa and The promotion of cooperation projects to establish networks between Busan and African citizens and young people.




 In particular, the BFIC and Korea-African Foundation held "African Cafe" and "Korea African Youth Forum" as joint cooperation projects in 2019 and 2021, and the agreement between the two organizations today became a meaningful step for the continued cooperation to finally bear fruit. We hope that this agreement will serve as a stepping stone for both organizations to take the lead in "Busan-Africa Exchange" to revitalize exchanges and create synergy effects!

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