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The 1st BFIC Global Citizen Education 2020 with Busan Tourism High School (July 10)

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Date 2020-07-12 Readnum 2803

The 1st BFIC Global Citizen Education 2020 with Busan Tourism High School (July 10)

Have you heard about 「BFIC Global Citizen Education」?

It is an educational program for Busan citizens to grow their global minds!

As lecturers, foreign residents in Busan are sharing their cultures and global issues to Busan citizens :)

Under the COVID-19 situation, it was hard to get opportunities to share the cultures with students.

Finally, there was the 1st BFIC Global Citizen Education 2020 at Busan Tourism High School on July 10. 

39 students who are majoring in cooking were participated in the class.

Grace and Lea from Philippines gave lectures to the students!

At first, they introduces Filipino food cultures for 20 minutes.


And the highlight was a cooking class!

The main dish was <Chicken Adobo>!!

Chicken Adobo is a type of Filipino chicken stew. Chicken pieces are marinated in soy sauce and spices, pan-fried, and stewed until tender.



It looks like Jjim Dak in Korea!!

The dish gained popularity because of its delicious taste and ease in preparation.


After the demonstration of Grace and Lea, a cooking class began!!


It was an informative food cultural education to learn about Filipino traditional food.

!! If you want to know more about BFIC Global Citizen Education, CLICK BELOW !!


The 2nd BFIC Global Citizen Education 2020 with Yangwoon High School (July 17)
The first semester of BFIC Korean course 2020 is over!