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The first semester of BFIC Korean course 2020 is over!

Latest at BFIC 게시판 읽기
Date 2020-06-26 Readnum 2957

Under COVID-19 situation, the first semester of BFIC Korean class is over 👊

With the spread of COVID-19 in Busan from February, BFIC postponed and postponed the starting date of Korean class.

And we decided to start the !!online class!! for the first time.

There was a lot of confusion due to the unfamiliar environment at first, online classes gradually get better with the efforts of teachers and students!

In the first semester, a total of 122 students completed the course for 12 weeks from April 6 to June 26. Congratulations!!

Unlike other semesters, students and teachers met in the closing ceremony for the first time. Every participants in the ceremony saw each other's faces for the first time and introduce themselves at the ceremony.

Everyone is having a hard time with COVID-19, but thanks to all the students who attended hard and completed the course and the teachers who completed the class in an uncomfortable environment!!

See you next summer semester~~!!


 ✔ When to register ㅣ July 6th (Mon) ~ July 8th (Wed)

 ✔ How to register ㅣ Online registration @ www.bfic.kr

▼ For detailed information


The 1st BFIC Global Citizen Education 2020 with Busan Tourism High School (July 10)
2019 The Second International Organization(Financial) Academy (the final session)