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2019 Chris Jordan Environmental Talk Concert

Latest at BFIC 게시판 읽기
Date 2019-09-30 Readnum 3743

Are you striving to protect the earth and environment, which is getting hotter?

No,Plastic! Know Plastic


◈ 9.27-28, American photographer and documentary writer Chris Jordan is invited to Busan!

◈ 9.27Environmental Special Lecture@Busan International High School, 9.28Environment Talk Concert@CENTAP



◯ BFIC held 'Environmental Talk Concert' for September 27 (Fri) and 28 (Sat).

  We invited Chris Jordan, an American photographer and documentary writer.

  The 'Environmental Talk Concert' was held for youth and citizens in Busan to discuss the social value of environmental activities with the audience

with american photographer, documentary writer Chris Jordan.









2019 The Second International Organization(Financial) Academy (the final session)
2019 The Second International Organization(Financial) Academy (the 3rd session)