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Dispatch the 11th Busan Global Friends to Yangon, Myanmar (7.14~7.20)

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Date 2019-07-26 Readnum 2970

The 11th Busan Global Friends, consists of an education team and a medical team, were sent to Yangon, Myanmar from July 14 to 20.

The education team provided educational services and labor service such as mural paintings to 240 elementary school students in North Dagon.


The medical team treated 934 local residents at the North Dagon Township Government Hospital and provided CPR training for emergency.



The education team of the 11th Busan Global Friends serviced at the elementary school where about 870 students aged 5 to 12 are attending. They were divided into 4 teams for each subject and conducted various classes :)


The education team also painted the walls of the school library to create a better environment for children to be educated and study.


  - Music/Physic: Korean Folk Play, Taekwondo Gymnastics

  - Science: Making a Portable Water Purifier, Making a Balloon-car, Human Skeleton and Internal Organ

  - Art: Making a Name Tag, Making a Raincoat, Making a Hahoe Mask

  - Health: Hand Washing Training, Toothbrushing Training




 U Maung Maung Soe, the mayor of Yangon City, visited the school to encourage volunteer work.

 BFIC hosted the donation ceremony to donate school supplies for the children’s studies.




The medical team of the 11th Busan Global Friends with the Lee Tae Suk Memorial Association gave medical care through surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology, ophthalmology, family medicine, and pediatrics for 934 local residents at the North Dagon Township Government Hospital.


This year, the medical team provided CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training to many people in Yangon including medical workers, government officials, teachers, and local residents.






Mr. Roy, the secretary general of BFIC, was on famous quiz show <대한외국인>!
Starting Ceremony of the Eurasia Expedition from Busan