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[Result Notice] Global Gathering 2022 Supporters

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-08-24 Readnum 954
Attach [RESULT] Global Gathering Supporters Filnal List.pdf


부산광역시국제교류재단 공고 제2022-41


2022 BFIC


Global Gathering Supporters Result Announcement



The Busan Foundation for International Cooperation would like to thank everyone who applied for the Global Gathering 2022 Supporters, and announce the final selection list as follows.


2022. 8. 24.

Chariman of the Busan Foundation for International Cooperation


▶ Please refer to the attached file for the final selection list.

▶ The orientation will be held on site on September 25(Sun) . Please refer to the attached file for details.

   (*Your attendance time will be notified via text message)

▶ Contact : 051-711-6847 / 6845, busanglobalcitizen@gmail.com

[Result Notice] Participants of Performance and Booth for Global Gathering 2022
[Recruitment] SUPPORTERS for Global Gathering - JOIN US!! (~Aug 21)