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[Notice] Working Student Program 2021

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-05-13 Readnum 1801
Attach [공고] 2021년도 외국인 유학생 근로학생 모집 공고_1.pdf










▸ Date of recruitment: 12th May - 21st May


▸ Minimum qualifications: 1) Topik level 3 or higher level

  2) D-2 Visa holder (*Exchange students and students for language course are not allowed to apply.)

  3) All International students study in universities in Busan.

  4) Students with no restrictions issuing integrated form for a part-time job, etc.



▸Required documents: 1) Application form *(Attached)

2) A letter of Self-introduction *(Attached)

3) Certificate of University enrollment

4) Topik Certification


▸ Qualified candidates must attend the interview using only Korean.




※ Candidates are allowed to apply for only one program.

Duplicated applying for working student & internship[14th May -24th May] is strictly prohibited.


※Applicants submitted documents without designated format, which are hereto attached, will initially be terminated.


※ Inquiries : Global Citizen Support Department(☎051-711-6843 / jlml9198@bfic.kr)




2021 BFIC Support for Community Events
[Notice] Student list of the 2nd semester of BFIC Korean class 2021