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[Notice] Name list of 「100 Busaners」

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2020-08-31 Readnum 1696
Attach [붙임 2] 100인의 부산세계시민단 최종합격자_1.pdf

Name list of 「100 Busaners」



We sincerely thank all those who have applied for the "100 Busaners".

For the final successful candidates, please refer to attached “[붙임] 100인의 부산세계시민단 최종합격자”. 



□ Inquiry: Global Citizen Support Dept. (☎051-711-6846, jiyoon.kim@bfic.kr)


※ 코로나19 확산으로, 온라인 오리엔테이션은 9월 말, 발대식은 10월 초로 연기되었습니다. 추후 일정이 확정되면 합격자들에게 개별 메일 및 문자로 공지하도록 하겠습니다. 양해해주셔서 감사합니다. Due to the spread of COVID-19, the online orientation was postponed to the end of September and the launching ceremony to the beginning of October. When the schedule is confirmed in the future, we will notify schedule by individual e-mail and text message. Thank you for your understanding. 

Emergency Response Guidelines(Typhoon/Heavy Rain)
Student list for the 2nd semestser of BFIC Korean class 2020)