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Additional postponement for two weeks at all schools nationwide

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2020-03-17 Readnum 2135

Additional postponement for two weeks at all kindergartens, elementary, middle, high and specialized high schools nationwide

Determination of additional postponement for two weeks at all schools nationwide
- Schools will be closed from Mar 23 to Apr 3rd.
- Daycare centers will extend the closure period until Apr 5th.
- The new school year and method will be adjusted according to the situation as observing Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters(CDSCHQ) and trends of infection carefully

Focused on preparing for the new school year and keeping social distance

Improving effectiveness of school quarantine and learning support by providing administrative and financial support


1st order of closure

2nd order of closure

3rd order of closure

Mar 2~Mar 6

(1 week)

Mar 9~Mar 20

(2 weeks)

Mar 23~Apr 3

(2 weeks)

Looking for lecturers for 「Global Citizen Education 2020」
Busan INFO [Guideline temporarily advising face mask reuse]