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[COVID-19] Status in Busan City(last updated date : June 30, 00:00)

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2020-03-05 Readnum 4610



- New patients : 1,810

- Total patient : 1,912,101

- New deaths : 0

- Death toll : 2,852

- Critical patients : 5


Please avoid going outside and take extra caution about personal hygiene, such as wearing a mask or washing hands until the COVID-19 settles down.

If you are suspecting minor symptoms, please rest at home for 2~3 days. If you are still in doubt about suspected symptoms, call 1339 (or 1345 for foreign language service) or inquire a medical center near you. ​

Also, please call the medical center to make an appointment before your visit.


Daily confirmed cases




* According to “information disclosure guidelines for routes of confirmed cases, etc.(Oct 7, 2020)” of Korea Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, information necessary to prevent infectious diseases is disclosed only.


(Disclosure period) : Check information ~ 14 days after the last contact

(Personal information) : Gender, age, nationality, residence * information specific to an individual such as name of workplace, etc. are not disclosed * sub information of EupMyeonDong unit is not disclosed

(Time) : COVID-19 information is disclosed from 2 days before symptoms occurrence to the quarantine date

(Place∙Transportation) : Information is disclosed in the form of a list of places, but it is not disclosed if all people who came into contact with confirmed patients in the places are identified.



Busan Metropolitan City website : http://www.busan.go.kr/corona19/index

For more information, please call Busan Global Center 1577-7716

Student List for the 1st semester of BFIC Korean Class 2020
Movement of COVID-19 comfirmed patients