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2019 BFIC Support for Foreign Communities(~9/15)

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2019-09-05 Readnum 2753

 2019 BFIC Support for Cultural Events of Foreign Communities 


BFIC supports cultural and other events of foreign communities to vitalize foreign communities in Busan and enhance interaction among foreign and local citizens living in Busan. We will be waiting to hear from you! Thank you!



2019. 09. 02.



1. Eligibility

 Foreign Residents Organizations or Groups based on Busan, which aims for their networking, information

exchange. (Profit making organizations are excluded)

(1) Events related Culture · Art · Sports · Exhibitions · Festival · Education · Conference

(2) Events that are opened for all Busan Citizens

(3) Minimum participants should exceed 20

(4) Any other events that meets with the purpose of our program

Inviting other countries’ guests are welcomed and will be given additional points



2. Support

 Financial Support : 300,000 KRW ~ 800,000 KRW (Maximum 1,000,000 KRW per group a year / twice up to 1,000,000 KRW)

Amount of supported money

Minimum no. of


Usage of

supported money


300,000 KRW


1. Venue rental fee

· Please announce that the event is supported by BFIC

· Use BFIC logo and Share the Culturename on promotional materials

· Supported money determined up to number of participants and contents.

· Please notice that major change of the event cannot guarantee the planned support.

2. Cost of promotional materials

450,000 KRW


3. Cost of event materials

800,000 KRW


4. Others related with the event

 Administrative Support : Assistance on administrative work or others.

e.g. administrative work such as rent a venue, making t-shirts, and etc.


3. How to Apply

  Application Period

September 2nd(Mon)~ 15th(Sun) Events on September 20th ~ December

Please notice that the program is first-come-first-serve

  How to Apply : Send the filled registered form to applybfic@gmail.com

  Documents : Attached registered form


4. Selection Criteria &Others

 Date of Selection

September 18th(Wed) Events on June will get result within several days.

 Panels : Global Citizen Cooperation Team, BFIC

 Decision will be on to whom and the amount of supported money

 Major criteria : Validity, effects, and others aspects of the event

Event: participants, effect, and the competence of the group

Vitalizing expats, and exchange of local citizens

One group from one nation : group inner meeting and gathering, and fundraising event will not be supported

Depend on situation, BFIC can support more than one group from one nation.

     BFIC and Communities can adjust the venue and the date of the event.

Result reports should be sent before December 16th

Additional points will be given on your participants of BFIC programs

 BFIC announce the result on the website, and contact each communities



5. How to Get the Supported Money

 When : Within 14 days after receiving result report

 Payment condition

Final plan report before at least 1 week ago, and finalize the supported money

Send Result Report within 10 days after the event

Accepted receipts : credit/debit card receipts, tax invoice, and bank account transfer receipts with statement

    of items (other types of receipts would not be reimburse)


6. Contact Info.

 Global Citizen Support Team BFIC 051-711-6845, applybfic@gmail.com



Recruiting participants for Home Visit
Recruiting Participants for 「2019 Cultural Awareness Mentoring」