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Recruiting participants for home visit

Announcement 게시판 읽기
Date 2019-03-29 Readnum 2921
Attach 붙임_1. 외국인과 함께하는 홈비지트 참가자 모집안내.pdf
참가신청서(호스트 및 게스트용)_1.hwp
참가신청서(호스트 및 게스트용)_1.pdf

2019 Recruiting participants for home visit

BFIC provides experience in Korean home culture through home visit program involving Busan citizens.

To help foreigners living in Busan understand the culture of the Busan community and create a sense of solidarity, we will provide a home visit program .

I hope many Busan citizens will participate.

Recruitment period: '19.4.1 (Mon)-4.12 (Fri)

◦ Participant: less than 50 foreign guests and families of 20 hosts

Contents: Korean family experience for foreigners
     ▷Making Korean food
     ▷ Experience traditional indoor play
     ▷ Eating with host families, etc.

2019 BNIS Members Recruitment
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