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Foreigner Info

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Be sure to take your ID with you when going to the hospital or clinic!

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2024-06-03 Readnum 40

Starting May 20, 2024, you must bring your health insurance card or identification card to receive health insurance benefits at all hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.

- Physical identification: resident registration card, driver's license, passport, disabled person registration card, national veterans registration card, health insurance card, alien registration card, foreign nationality Korean domestic residence report card (F-4), permanent resident card (F-5), etc. ※ Passport information for new passports applicable only when attaching a certificate, a copy of ID is not accepted. 

- Mobile: Presentation of mobile health insurance card (including QR authentication), mobile ID card (driver's license, national veterans registration card), and mobile verification service* (resident registration card, driver's license) is also accepted * (Service App) Government 24, PASS, KB Star Banking, etc

1. Person under 19 years of age

2. Patients admitted to the relevant medical institution within 6 months

3. When medication is provided at a pharmacy or Korea Rare Commodity Center according to a prescription from a doctor, etc.

4. In case of treatment request and return

5. Emergency patients under Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Emergency Medical Services Act

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