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Implementation of 「Busan Metropolitan City Youth Activity Mileage System」

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Date 2024-05-29 Readnum 38
Implementation of 「Busan Metropolitan City Youth Activity Mileage System」 

○ Participation target: Any young person between the ages of 18 and 39 who participates in Busan city administration (born on January 1, 1984 - December 31, 2006, according to resident registration)

○ Operating period: May 2024 ~ December 2024 (early closure when budget is exhausted)

○ Project details: Mileage is granted to young people who participate in on- and offline municipal administration activities, and the accumulated mileage is converted into money and paid as Busan local currency (Dongbaekjeon) points (up to 100,000 points per year). 

○ Savings areas: City administration publicity, volunteer work, participation in city-sponsored education and events, etc.

○ How to apply: Busan Youth Platform (https://young.busan.go.kr) → Participation/Rights → Application for Youth Activity Mileage Passage

○ Inquiries: Busan Economic Promotion Agency (☏051-241-7859)

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