Date | 2024-05-08 | Readnum | 169 |
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The Busan World Civic Festival is a great opportunity to experience cultures from around the world in one place. Residents of Busan, foreigners living in Busan, foreign embassies in Korea, tourism offices, etc. are welcome to participate to showcase various traditional items from each country, including international food, costumes and cuisine.
❍ Date: 2024. 5.18 (Sat) 10:00 - 18:00 (Opening Ceremony 13:30) ❍ Location: Busan Cinema Center Outdoor
Plaza ❍ Participation scale: 28 countries, 71
organizations ❍ Event details Opening
ceremony, domestic and foreign invited performances, world culture experience
booth, foreign support agency consultation and promotion booth, World Children
and Youth Market, Enjoy English Week event, Korea-China-Japan Friendship
Children's Painting Exhibition, prize drawing, etc. ❍ Website: ❍ Inquiry: Busan Global Center 1577-7716 ♥Thank you for your interest♥