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2024 Korean Language Speaking Contest for Foreigners

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2024-04-12 Readnum 72

○ Submission period: March 4th ~ April 28th

○ Eligibility

▶ Foreigners or ethnic Koreans living abroad whose native language is not Korean

▶ Those who have not won 1st prizes in Korean language speaking contests held either in Korea or abroad

○ How to apply

1. Upload a video clip of three minutes or less on YouTube

2. Fill out an online application via the link below or by scanning the QR code

○ Topics (Choose one of the topics below)

▶ Special episode that made you fall in love in Korea or Korean language.

▶ Unique aspect of Korean culture that you love.

○ Prizes

▶ 1 King Sejong Award (Grand Prize): 2 million won  

▶ 2 Gold Awards: 1 million won each

▶ 2 Silver Awards: 500,000 won each

▶ 3 Bronze Awards: 300,000 won each

▶ 1 Korean Humanities Research Group Award: 1 million won

○ For more information call 02-724-2868 or contact sjahn@ktimes.com (Ahn, Seong-jin)




‘4 Your Busan’, a new program of BeFM Busan English Broadcasting is aired for 2 hours from 4:05 pm to 6:00 pm, hosted by David Kim. It’s about everything in Busan, news, information, culture, guests, and so on. 

Especially, from 4:35 ~ 4:50pm on Fridays, a weekly segment, ‘Busan Life Solutions’ will provide real-life advice and information for expats. It’s based on consultation cases with foreigners at “Busan Global Center”.



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