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Guide for the use of hospitals & clinics in the time of the healthcare crisis

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Date 2024-04-03 Readnum 101

When urgent & emergency medical care is needed,  

√ Seriously ill emergency patient → → Emergency rooms at large hospitals

√ Non-emergency patient → → Nearby hospitals or clinics

√ Medicine → → Late-night pharmacies

* You must visit a local hospital or clinic when your symptom is not emergency. Non-emergency patient can be referred back to a local hospital or clinic from a tertiary care hospital.


How to find an available hospital & clinic, and/or pharmacy,

√ If you are not sure where to go → → Call 119 & get emergency medical counselling first

√ If you are looking for medical services (hospital & clinic, pharmacy) → → Use emergency medical portal (www.e-gen.or.kr) · websites of public health centers · NHIS (National Health Insurance Service) · HIRA (Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service)

√ Emergency medical counselling: ☎ 119; MOHW (Ministry of Health and Wellness): ☎ 129; NHIS (National Health Insurance Service): ☎ 1577-1000; HIRA (Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service): ☎1644-2000

√ Outpatient hours may be changed depending on the situation of the medical facility. Please make sure to call and check the availability and the hours before you visit.   



Able to check at the website of HIRA (www.hira.or.kr)


Reporting & support center

Reporting on damage from doctors’ mass walkout: ☎ 129-then, press 8



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