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Recruitment of performers and booth operators for the 19th Global Gathering

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Date 2024-04-03 Readnum 99

5 18 세계인의 날을 맞이하여 부산글로벌도시재단은 19 부산세계시민축제를 개최합니다. 세계인의 축제에 함께 열정과 재능이 많은 외국인 공연자 부스운영자 분들을 아래와 같이 모시고자 하오니, 많은 관심과 신청을 부탁드립니다.

Celebrating the Together Day on May 18, Busan Global City Foundation will hold the 19th Global Gathering festival. We would like to invite foreign performers and booth operators who are passionate and talented to participate in our festival as follows. We ask for your interest and application.

- Application period: Mar 1(Fri.), 2024~ Mar 31(Sun), 2024

- How to apply: Fill out the online application form through QR code one the attached poster or the following link


- Result announcement: At 5 p.m. on Apr. 11(Thu.), 2024 *Applicants will be informed via email and/or text message

- Contact: 051-711-6845/1577-7716 / busanglobalcitizen@gmail.com

[Booth regulations and guidelines]

1. Permitted items and activities

- Introduction on traditional cultures, World culture flea market

- Take-out food, free tasting and items

- Selling cooked food, using non-fire tools

- Non-alcoholic beverages

- Booth event, hands-on activities

2. Prohibited items and activities

- No Fire-cooking

- No Barbecuing

- No heaters

- No Riding a vehicle and skating

- No Hazardous items





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