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Application for BGCF 1st semester Korean Class(~Feb. 14)

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Date 2024-01-31 Readnum 160

 Application period: Feb. 1(Thu)~Feb. 14(Wed), 2 weeks

Place for class: Busan Global Center/Busan Global Village/Youth Do Dream Center

How to apply: Online application through koreanclass.bfic.kr *The website will be open as of Feb 1

Class : Beginner 1/2/3/4, Intermediate speaking 1/2

- Class schedule: Mar. 4(Mon)~Jun. 14(Fri), 15 weeks

- Class time: Morning(9:30~11:30) / Evening(18:30~20:30)

Inquiry: Busan Global Center at 1577-7716


- Busan Global City Foundation's Korean Class is free and limited to long-term visa holders.

- All classes can be registered after taking the level test, so that they can be assigned to the class accurately. (Former students cannot raise their levels by more than two, but lower them.)

- When apply for the class, you must present a residence card and fill out the student consent form.

- With a limited number of students, all applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The final student list will be posted on BGCF’s website(www.bfic.kr) on February 28th

  And they will receive emails and text messages.

- Textbooks must be purchased by students themselves.

- In order to register for the Korean Class, you need to pay a deposit of 50,000 won in cash on the first day of class. If you attend more than 60%, the deposit will be fully refunded.

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