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Don't be deceived by emails and text messages impersonating National Tax Service!

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Date 2024-01-17 Readnum 159

Special attention from taxpayers is needed as various types of malicious e-mails and text messages impersonating National Tax Service, such as "issuance of electronic tax invoices" and "guidance of attendance requests for tax investigation," are feared to be circulated in time for value-added tax returns and year-end settlement.

[Email impersonating NTS]
- Case: Click buttons, phrases, attachments to go to a screen disguised as a portal site
- How to respond: If an e-mail prompts you to log in to a portal site, it is a camouflage screen, so do not log in, delete the e-mail, and change the portal site password.

[Text message impersonating NTS(smishing)]
- Case: Request payment to personal account
- How to respond: Text messages sent to internet phones or personal mobile numbers should be suspected, and national taxes should not be transferred to a personal account.

You can report any damage caused by an impersonation email or text message to the National Police Agency.
- Cyber Safety Protection Emergency Report
- Civil complaint counseling

「Intensive guidance period for prevention of unpaid wages」
Notification of increase in NHI from 2023