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Announcement of the minimum wage in 2024

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2023-12-29 Readnum 166

1. Application period: Jan. 1~Dec. 31, 2024


2. Monthly salary: 2,060,740 won(9,860 won per hour)

* In the case of working 40 hours a week, 209 hours per month(including 8 hours of paid weekly holiday)


3. Range of application

- All businesses and workplaces hiring an employee.

* It does not apply to businesses that only hire relatives living together, domestic users, seafarers subject to the Seafarers Act, and ship owners who use seafarers.

- Under the Labor Standard Act, it applies to all workers(regular, non-regular, part-time workers, youth workers, foreign workers, etc.).

* It does not apply to those who have been approved for exclusion by the Minister of Employment and Labor because their ability to work is significantly lower due to mental or physical disabilities.

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