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Fire safety guidelines for apartment residents

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2023-12-13 Readnum 158

1. Fire at home: Evacuation
• Use stairs to evacuate to a safe place in a low position
• Close the door when evacuating, and do not take the elevator
• Press the emergency bell and call 119

2. Fire at home(difficulty evacuating): Call for help
• Move to a place where evacuation spaces, etc. are installed
• Move away from flames and smoke and block gaps
• Call 119 to inform current location and situation then call for help

3. Fire outside home: Atmosphere(no flame/smoke)
• Stand by in the household to keep an eye on the fire
• Close windows to keep smoke out
• Call 119 and follow the announcement

4. Fire outside home: Evacuation or request for rescue(with flame/smoke)
• If you can evacuate
Refer to 1. Evacuation
• If you cannot evacuate
Refer to 2. Request for rescue

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