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The 15th best practices of multicultural education contest

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Date 2023-09-13 Readnum 292

Purpose: Improving awareness of our society’s multiple culture and activating multicultural education through finding and spreading good practices of multicultural education


1. Schedule of the contest

- Application period: Jul. 21~Sep. 22, 2023

- Work and public plagiarism review: The 4th week of Sep.~The 4th week of Oct.

- Winner announcement: The 2nd week of Nov.

- Award ceremony: Dec., 2023


 2. Contest sector

1) Improving awareness of multiple culture

- Drawing(picture, poster, four-cut cartoon) / Participant: Elementarymiddlehigh school students

- UCC / Participant: Everyone

2) Practical case of multiple culture

- Educational data: Teacherinstructor

- Writer: Elementarymiddlehigh school students, teacherinstructor, the public

- Counseling practice: Counselor, counseling teacher


3. Award: 48 awards in total(22 of the Minister of Education, 26 of President of National Institute for Lifelong Education), Total prize money 22.3 million won


4. How to apply

Apply through the homepage((www.다문화교육우수사례.com)

* For more details, please scan the OR code on the poster

- Inquiry

- Tel: 02-388-8956

- E-mail: edu4mc@nile.or.kr / planbag@planbag.co.kr

Operation of Busan City jeonse damage support center
Additional preliminary assessment for KIIP 2023 and change of schedule