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NHI services to issue electronic certificates

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2023-08-30 Readnum 309

How to issue

1. Open ‘The건강보험’ mobile application   Log in with a certificate

(simple/joint/financial/health insurance)   All menu 민원여기요   증명서발급·확인 Choose a certificate   미리보기(Download)


2. NHIC homepage

1) Go to the homepage(www.nhis.or.kr)   Log in with a certificate

(simple/joint/financial/health insurance)   민원여기요   개인민원   증명서발급 및 확인  Choose a certificate   조회   발급

2) Go to the homepage(www.nhis.or.kr)   건강iN ➝  나의건강관리  건강검진정보  건강검진 실시확인서(직장제출용-for submitting to work) / 건강검진 내역서 출력(운전면허적성검사용-for driver's license aptitude test)


Issuable certificates

1. The건강보험 mobile application(5 types)

- 자격확인서

- 건강보험 보험료 납부확인서

- 국민연금 보험료 납부확인서

- 자격득실확인서

- 차상위본인부담경감증명서


2. NHIC homepage(9 types)

- 자격확인서

- 건강보험 보험료 납부확인서

- 국민연금 보험료 납부확인서

- 기타징수금 납부확인서

- 건강검진 실시확인서(직장제출용)

- 자격득실확인서

- 차상위본인부담경감증명서

- 보험료 미납내역서

- 건강검진 내역서(운전면허적성검사용)


Busan Weekly Briefing(4th week of August)

Good to Know Busan: http://pf.kakao.com/_RnttC/101719411

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