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Notice of Dengue fever free test project

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Date 2023-08-22 Readnum 398

Project period: July 1~ November 30, 2023

Project participants: People with suspected symptoms of dengue fever among entrants from Southeast Asia

* Available even if you leave the airport or port

Type of test: Rapid kit test for Dengue fever(It takes about 15 minutes to check the result)

Test place

1. Overseas infectious disease report center of Busan National Quarantine Station

- Address: 2F, Main bldg., 22, Chungjang-daero, Jung-gu, Busan

- Tel: 051-602-0681, 0620

- Operating hours: 9a.m. to 6p.m. throughout the year, Advance reservation is required on weekends and holidays.

2. Inspection room of Masan National Quarantine Station

- Address: 6F, South Gyeongsang Province Joint Government Building, 10, Je2budu-ro, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangname-do)

- Operating hours: 9a.m. to 6p.m. throughout the year, Advance reservation is required.

3. Test booth inside of the arrival hall

- Address: 108, Gonghangjinip-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan)

- Tel: 051-973-1922, 1924

- Operating hours: Open year round

Preparatory documents

- Passport or documents confirming travel history in Southeast Asia

Test fee : Free of charge

Required documents: Documents showing travel history such as a passport, a flight ticket, etc.



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