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Notice of local tax payment(individual)

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Date 2023-08-14 Readnum 666

Taxpayer: Individual householders who registered in Busan as of Jul 1st and registered foreigners who residing in Korea for more than 1 year

Payment period: August 16~31, every year

How to pay

- Bank: Visit any bank nationwide and pay or through ATM/CD

- Internet: 위택스(www.wetax.go.kr), 인터넷 GIRO(www.giro.or.kr)

- Bank account: Transfer money to a virtual account

If you didn’t pay local taxes?

- The late payment penalty of 3% will be imposed for non-payment of local taxes within the due date.

- Visa extension is unavailable in case of non-payment of local taxes.

Inquiry : Tax Collection Department of Gu Office near your residence

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