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Support services of job seeking, holiday pay and leave allowance

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2023-04-19 Readnum 587

1. Job seeking

Access to Worknet(www.work.go.kr)Sign into(or sign up for membership) individual member Application for job seeking


2. Jobseekers’ allowance

Access to employment insurance system(www.ei.go.kr) Place the cursor over “바로가기 서비스” on the top left Click ‘실업인정 신청’(Application for recognition of unemployment)


3. National employment support

Access to a homepage of national employment support scheme(www.work.go.kr/kua) Sign into(or sign up for membership)  Fill out the application form and submit(no required documents)


4. National learning tomorrow card

Access to Human Resources Development Service Of Korea(www.hrd.go.kr)Sign into(or sign up for membership)마이서비스(My service) 국민내일배움카드(National learning tomorrow card) 발급 신청(Application for issuance)


5. Allowance of maternity, miscarriage and stillbirth leaves

Access to employment insurance system(www.ei.go.kr) Sign into(or sign up for membership) 개인회원서비스(individual member service) 모성보호(maternity protection) 출산전후(유산∙사산 휴가)휴가 급여 신청(Application for allowance of maternity leave(miscarriage and stillbirth leaves)


6. Parental leave pay

Access to employment insurance system(www.ei.go.kr) Sign into(or sign up for membership) 개인회원서비스(individual member service) 모성보호(maternity protection) 육아휴직급여 신청(Application for parental leave pay)

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