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Application for the 1st photography contest commemorating the 16th Together Day

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2023-04-12 Readnum 570

Subject : Photos of Korean beauty, Korean tradition experiences, etc. from eyes of foreigners residing in Korea(scenery, portrait, object are available)

Eligibility : Foreigners and naturalized Koreans who took a picture

Application period : Apr 1(Sat)~Apr 23(Sun), 2023

How to apply : Scan the QR code and send a filled application form by e-mail(kiipseoul@korea.kr)

Submission : Photo & application form in a zip file under the name of applicant

Result announcement : May 12(Fri), 2023 *Contact individually


[Award ceremony]

Date & Time : At 15:00 on May 18(Thu), 2023

Venue : 7F, Main conference room of Seoul Immigration Office

Prizes : Grand prize 300,000 won(1 person), the second prize 200,000 won(1 person), Excellence Award 100,000 won(2 people), Consolation prize 50,000 won(4 people), Special prize 100,000 won(1 person)

Support services of job seeking, holiday pay and leave allowance
Guide to issue a new type of foreigner registration card