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Issuance of mobile driving license

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Date 2023-03-29 Readnum 628


Those having an ARC, a driving license and, who can verify themselves through a domestic mobile carrier

How to issue

Install a ‘모바일 신분증(운전면허증)’ application

1. Visit a driving license test course and fill out IC운전면허증 application form then get the license

*If you scan a QR code with ‘모바일 신분증’ application there, The mobile driving license can be issued immediately for 1,000 won. However, it has to be re-issued in case of a different smart phone.

2. Apply for IC운전면허증 on 안전운전통합민원(www.safedriving.or.kr) or by visiting a civil service center of a police station. It takes about 2 weeks to get it.

Lastly, please scan the IC운전면허증 with a smart phone and issue a ‘mobile driving license’

Issuance fee

Korean 13,000 won, English 15,000 won(with aptitude test, Korean 18,000 won and English 20,000 won)

How to use the mobile driving license

Please run the ‘모바일 신분증’ application then show the mobile driving license, tap ‘나의 QR’ or ‘QR 촬영

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