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Registration of the 1st BFIC Korean Class in 2023

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Date 2023-02-01 Readnum 665

Registration period : Feb 6(Mon)~19(Sun), 2 weeks

Place : Lecture room of Busan Global Center

How to register : Online registration(koreanclass.bfic.kr) * The website will be open as of Feb 6

Classes : Beginner 1/2/3/4 and Speaking 1/2

- Class schedule : Mar 6(Mon)~Jun 16(Fri), 15 weeks

- Class time : Morning(9:30~11:30) / Evening(18:30~20:30)

Inquiry : Busan Global Center(1577-7716+1)


 * Free BFIC Korean Class is provided for long-term visa holders residing in Busan

 * You can register a class after taking a level test

 * The registration is on the first-come, first-served basis

 * Student has to buy a textbook in advance

 * All applicants can register ONLY 1 class


We hope that many foreigners residing in Busan take our Korean Class ^^

Production of the electronic visa navigator book
Recruitment of foreign community events in the first half of 2023