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2022 special lecture on employment for international students in Busan

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-11-16 Readnum 785

Date & Time : Nov 23(Wed) from 18:00 to 21:00

How to join : Online lecture with Zoom

Target : International students, prospective graduates, graduates of universities in Busan

Participating company : SK innovation, TE connectivity, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Microsoft, saramin, Hackle

Main contents : Employment analysis of domestic/global companies, preparation for documents and job interviews, employment visas for international student, information guidance and group mentoring(Q&A sessions, etc.), mentoring from foreign employees

How to apply : Click URL or scan the QR code on the poster


Inquiry : 051-711-6843 / use0622@bfic.kr



We look forward to your participation~~

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