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Recruitment of students of free BFIC TOPIK 2 lecture

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-10-19 Readnum 894

!! The new 1st TOPIK Speaking lecture !!


1. Application period : Oct 19(Wed)~Oct 25(Tue)


2. Date & Time : Nov 5(Sat)

- TOPIK special lecture

    TOPIK lv.3~4(9:30~12:30)

   TOPIK lv.5~6(13:30~16:30)

- TOPIK speaking lecture

    Morning TOPIK lv.3~4(9:30~12:30)

   Evening TOPIK lv.5~6(13:30~16:30)


3. Target : Foreign residents living in Busan * Long-term visa holders of 90 days and more


4. Tuition fee : Free


5. Place : Lecture room in Busan Global Center(부산 연제구 중앙대로 1000 국민연금 부산

회관 13)


6. How to apply : Online application(korea.cmania.co.kr)


7. Inquiry : 070-4394-2550(9:30~18:30)



We hope for your participation in the special lecture
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