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Application for a 2nd BFIC Korean Class

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2022-07-20 Readnum 1003

1. Application period : Jul 26(Tue)~Aug 4(Thu), 10 days


2. Place of class : Busan Global Center(address : 부산 연제구 중앙대로 1000 국민연금 부산회관 13)


3. How to apply : Online application(koreanclass.bfic.kr) *The website can be accessed from Jul 26.


4. Class content 

(Regular course) Level 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B : Beginner

- Course period : Aug 16(Tue)~Dec 15(Thu), 18 weeks

- Course time : Morning(09:30~11:30) / Evening(18:30~20:30)


(Special course) Speaking 1 & 2 : Intermediate

- Course period : Aug 19(Fri)~Oct 21(Fri), 10 weeks

- Course time : Morning(09:30~11:30) / Evening(18:30~20:30)


5. Precautions

* BFIC Korea Class is free and for long-term visa holders only.

* You can sign up for the class after taking a level test.

* Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

* A textbook should be bought by a student.

* Duplicate applications are not available so you can take only 1 class.

* To take the BFIC Korean Class, you need to pay a deposit of 50,000 won to an instructor on the first day of the class. 

   The deposit will be returned to a student whose attendance rate is over 60%.


6. Inquiry : Busan Global Center at 070-4394-2550
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