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Positive result for professional RAT for professional use is recognized as a confirmed patient

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Date 2022-03-30 Readnum 1229

For a month from March 14, if a person with symptoms is confirmed positive in a rapid antigen test for professional use at a local hospital or clinic, it will be considered positive under a doctor’s judgment and will be managed the same as a positive in PCR test.

Those with positive in the RAT for professional use will be treated, consulted, and prescribed immediately at the hospital or clinic they tested without additional PCR tests by visiting a health center.

Respiratory clinics and designated medical institutions for respiratory treatment can be found on Busan COVID-19 website.
https://www.busan.go.kr/covid19/Hometreat.do (
재택치료의료기관 안내  호흡기전담클리닉)

Pre-input system of quarantine information(Q-code)
Professional counseling of Busan Global Center