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Application of validity of COVID-19 vaccination

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Date 2021-12-29 Readnum 1353

The vaccination certificate is valid from 14 days until 6 months(180 days) after 2nd vaccination

Validity of the certificate is recognized from the day of the 3rd vaccination(booster shot)

* The validity is not applied to adolescents aged 12~17 who are not recommended to get additional vaccination


How to check validity of the vaccination certificate

- COOV app(electronic certificate)

If validity is over, an invalid certificate will be showed 

The COOV app is recommended to use to easily check the date after the 2nd vaccination 

- Paper certificate, vaccination sticker

These show whether 180 days passed after the 2nd vaccination and the 3rd vaccine(booster shot) was administered

Major obligations of foreigners staying in Korea
Issuing F-1-5(Visiting for cohabitation) visa for marriage immigrants’ family