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The interval change of additional vaccination for occupation categories of prior vaccination

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Date 2021-12-01 Readnum 1716

(Target) Age group in their 18-49(born in Jan 1, 1972~Dec 31, 2003) and had been fully vaccinated before 150 days(5 months) among occupation categories of prior vaccination

- The first responders

- Essential workers(police, firefighters, soldiers, etc.)

- Teachers of special education∙nursing, nurse teachers and nursing staff of daycare centers

(Type of vaccine) mRNA vaccine(Pfizer or Morderna)

(Vaccination schedule) (6 months interval) Advance reservation from Nov 1(Mon) to Nov 21(Sun), Vaccination from Nov 15(Mon)~ (5 months interval) Advance reservation from Nov 22(Mon)~, Vaccination from Dec 6(Mon)~

(Reservation method) Online(oneself and proxy reservation, ncvr.kdca.go.kr), telephone(1339, hotlines of local governments), visit a community center

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