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Family dog registration system

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-09-29 Readnum 1552

- Subject to register : Dogs raised in houses and semi-housing for two months or more, and dogs raised in places other than houses and semi-housing for the purpose of companion.
- How to register : Through a City/Gun/Gu Office or an animal registration agent(animal hospital, animal protection center, etc.)
 * Animal registration agents can be found on the Animal Protection Management System (www.animal.go.kr).
 * Unregistered dogs will be restricted from using animal-related public facilities such as dog playgrounds from October 1st, and fines may be imposed.
   (200,000 won for family dogs without registration, 50,000 won for not attaching an identification tag, 200,000 won for not wearing a leash, and 50,000 won for not collecting excrement)



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