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Recruitment of BFIC Korean Class’ students

What's New 게시판 읽기
Date 2021-09-23 Readnum 1513

1. For whom : Foreign residents in Busan(Only for long-term visa holders longer than 90 days)


2. The 4th regular course(Beginner level)

- Application : Sep 17(Fri)~26(Sun), 09:00~24:00

* Sign up to Sejonghakdang homepage(https://nuri.iksi.or.kr) > Take a level test > apply for the Korean Class

- Course schedule : Oct 4(Mon)~Dec 2(Thu), Morning 09:30~11:30 / Evening 18:30~20:30


3. Special course on TOPIK 2(Advanced level)

- Application : Sep 17(Fri)~26(Sun), 09:00~24:00

- Course schedule : Oct 9(Sat) 13:30~16:30


4. Application : Korean Class homepage(koreanclass.bfic.kr)


5. Registration : It is registered on a first-come, first-served basis and the final student list will be notified on BFIC homepage(www.bfic.kr).

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